CryptoMyFace is coming: Hive, we PeakD you!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been a while. But here we are, again, creating content, finally! Just a bit different as planned, but on the right path! Or at least as right as a Bushman and a Sloth can be. But let's dive into exactly this question!


So we had nearly one year of content break. We decided to get real with our stuff at the end of last year. At the beginning of this year, things began to pump in our favour: An investor was interested in pushing my developer team into a company to accomplish the technical stuff for our community. Finally, this didn't happen, but the path we have laid is promising and has a future.

The long wait is over. CryptoMyFace is back on track!

The own platform, as we promised to the community, is still on hold. But we are using everything around that is already doing great. Like Uhive, PeakD (a better Hive frontend), Odysee, DLive, and co. At this point, a personal note: I don't get DTube! What an account fiasco over there!


We have reactivated all our accounts on decentralised media platforms and got them nearly ready everywhere. We automated what we could and built the frontends to all the decentralised platforms. In the background, we make a few pennies with our content on those platforms. I have already created everything that I need for myself to bring my content into the CryptoMyFace Network. Sloth and I manage to get the community stuff into the CMF Network, as long it's not somehow automated: We're still not sure if on Hive/PeakD we should go CryptoMyFace account or community. Both work; we don't know where to point our domain in the meantime. But that's the smallest of all problems we're facing.

What an exciting experience, sadNodes is born!

So we are getting all our content together to get back where we were last year, as people reached out to us for content. While we focus on the content, the developer team from the sadNodes community is preparing our stuff for the PulseChain Network.


The sadNodes developer is those that worked with me towards that investor company. I brought the ideas and plans and began with the DevOps work. In contrast, the investor contacted PricewaterhouseCoopers to audit our stuff. So we also had to document everything, which we did. And finally, we received full credibility because PricewaterhouseCoopers told us to move on; it's a great plan. And it is, still. We don't have someone financing the two years of work to get the job done. So we do what we can until we have that money to fund it. Till then, the sadDevs team runs sadNodes, a node and miner network. Not only for profits but also the RPC connections into the desired blockchains.

How a Sloth is trying to build up momentum...

We all laugh when the Sloth comes up with his procrastination topics but find one sticking so hard to the community work as he does. Exactly, nobody. And that's why we all love the Sloth! The first, the one and only Sloth in the crypto space!


He's also getting everything ready and figuring out the best way how we all can connect as a community. He already did great work to bring our Discord Server up to date and release me from the burden of keeping it in sync with Telegram. So, Ladies and gentlemen, the Telegram Community looked a bit sleepy the last few days, but only on that side of the internet. On Discord, we're running hot. Besides that, he also manages other 3rd party communities, which is what a Community Manager does. But precisely, this brings this "we know us through Sloth"-connection into the group that is so refreshing.

So get ready for your beloved CryptoMyFace community. We still have a crypto paradise to reach together šŸ˜‰

Last but not least: The big Spam!

I'm updating all my stuff; here is the link list! I'm pretty active on Uhive, my most beloved social media platform. It's well made, even if still buggy and the team has a reaction time from a snail. Odysee is getting better and better from day to day. Also, the support is top-notch over there. They love their people. And the Steem/Hive story, let's filter out the shit that happened and see if we can get along with it. Minds is also a way to go, but over there, Sloth is king.


So long, and thanks for all the fish!